Day to day financial planning and money management apps are great at helping users identify how their income is being allocated. While most apps like Mint focus on budgeting and saving money on financial services, helping users save money on everyday purchases is an afterthought. Boulder-based...
Would you code harder if by writing enough lines, or solving enough problems, you could take home...
Vancouver, Washington-based startup Selfpubd is building a community where indie game developers...
Striving to make it easier for those with restricted diets find the food they eat, Dallas-based...
Monday marked a milestone for free speech advocates in the internet community; a myriad of...
Family court judge Judith "Judy" Sheindlin has built a successful television career settling...
As an adult, you sometimes just have to get things done, and situations undoubtably arise where no...
In the wake of last month's leaked Microsoft documents detailing potential cloud gaming coming to a...
Want to get a job at a startup? Almost every city in America has a job site that includes page...
A phone powered by Firefox OS, an upcoming operating system by Mozilla, is set to debut early next...
Following the Zeus (Zbot) cyber attacks earlier this year, Microsoft has identified and turned over...
Desperately need to check your email, but there's no WiFi to be found? Maybe there's a good...
A Chicago-based startup is looking to change the world of academic publishing...
If you're searching for a simple to-do list that you won't dread looking at, it's Cheddar. This...