The venture capital industry has spent years protecting its public image as gender neutral....
There are a lot of reasons to delete a tweet, some perfectly understandable: Mispellings,...
Bethesda and Id announced a re-release of Doom 3 on Wednesday that will include versions of all...
The ancient Chinese military manifesto The Art of War by general Sun Tzu has served as a blueprint...
With its fifth group release the Humble Indie Bundle has seriously outdone itself this time. The...
A Google-backed innovation community in Nairobi, Kenya, plans to build the first African...
GeneXus, software development company and Techli sponsor, will be holding its 7th annual GeneXus...
Some of the most common methods of contraception are also the most likely to fail, according to new...
Internet connectivity is nowhere near leveling off, according to an annual Cisco forecast, though...
In a blog post this week, Yusuf Mehdi, Chief Marketing Officer of the Xbox team at Microsoft,...
Jellyvision's popular 90s trivia game You Don’t Know Jack recently made a comeback on current...
As smartphones have exploded in popularity, so too has mobile malware. But it's not all bad news:...
Samsung's hotly anticipated Galaxy S III handset generated special interest because of its voice...
We reported previously that veteran link shortening service bitly was working on a $20 million...
Amazon’s Instant Video streaming service is a PlayStation 3 exclusive no longer. On...