Earlier today we reported that Chicago is going to be opening a new technology center for startups. A technology center to bring Chicago's entrepreneurs together has long been a wish for the Chicago digital entrepreneur community. Steve Collens, VP of New World Ventures, has been leading the...
News broke today that four of Chicago's technology leaders — including J.B. Pritzker — are...
"Floppy Disk Drive?" You know, the things you used to put low density (or High Density) floppies...
My generation of young professionals — the Millenials, born mostly to Baby Boomer parents between...
An inMobi Smartphone study released on Wednesday announced that a whopping 41% of North American...
Earle Dickson's wife was an awful cook — always cutting her finger. Annoyed by the long process...
"How you doin’?" That phrase sounds a lot cooler when Friends character Joey Tribbiani says it...
When I loaded up Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain and began to tread through its odd introductory...
And I think Mark Zuckerberg is inviting all of the Valley over for a dance party on GOOG’s...
Location-based apps have become a popular tool for coordinating social life. Users log in to these...
[Updated: The public launch will be held back until the end of October, in part due to the fact...
Let's be honest. We all get a little trigger happy when it comes to Google. I bet we can count on...
In 2009, serial entrepreneur and branding guru Ben Fench needed an escape from the client-service...
[caption id="attachment_9656" align="alignright" width="288" caption="Uber CEO Travis...