"What’s for dinner?" The age old question weighs on many minds. Chicago-based app FoodGenius...
Hello mobile entrepreneur. I know your schedule is packed with meetings, meet-ups, product...
When buying a candy bar in the checkout aisle, or grabbing a coffee at Starbucks, do you ever stop...
The state of Pennsylvania is currently in the process of passing a “no-texting while...
Mike Philip, owner and CEO of Rovertown, believes the most effective and underutilized opportunity...
Believe it or not, CES 2012 is right around the corner. For most of us, it is a date that cannot...
Alright, so it's not exactly 'innovation', but Invasion Of The B Movie Posters IS brilliantly...
Apps for Metro Chicago Community Round winners were announced recently and iFindit was listed as a...
The new iPhone iOS 5 software was released on Thursday and has over 200 new features, some more...
Location-based apps have become a popular tool for coordinating social life. Users log in to these...
A few months ago we introduced Tech.li readers to Taxi Share Chicago, an Android app making its...
By Anne Feher If I could make one small change, make one quick but meaningful impact each day,...
Over the last couple of months I have been app-deep in iPhone 4 reviews. From productivity and...