Portland-based mobile tour curation app Spotsi wants to help users unlock the hidden stories of a...
If you chronically find yourself about to head out the door only to discover you have no idea where...
3Degrees founder and Justin Timberlake look-alike Brian Scordato doesn’t bother holding his cards...
Sebastian Thrun keeps busy running Google's secretive Google X laboratory and with an academic post...
HackRocket, a recently-established UK startup, will hold its first-ever iOS Development Bootcamp...
At an LA press event today Microsoft unveiled its much-rumored tablet, which has repurposed the...
While you wouldn't know it from their enthusiasm, ambition, drive, and all-around excitement, every...
This Lego Turing Machine was built for CWI's exposition "Turings Erfenis" in honor of Alan Turings...
Looking for giant pancake pillows, the Ultimate Swiss Army Knife, or perhaps some fine china brass...
There’s no doubt that Chicago daily deals company Groupon has been having some rough times...
If you think that the only way to have access to a team of proven entrepreneurial mentors while...
Although BiteHunter has been available in Apple's App Store for about a year, the deal searching...
WhatRunsWhere is a spy tool that crawls the web to gather data on advertising campaigns, both text...
When designer, developer, and Delhi College of Engineering student Bharani Muthukumaraswamy began...
Technology is finally at a point where entire businesses can be run in the cloud. Gone are the days...