Have you ever found yourself checking in on your Facebook friends even when you are out on the town...
Plurk is a rather eccentric social networking website, where the main page color is a sort of mango...
[youtube id="9MeaaCwBW28" width="600" height="350"] In a story that could easily turn out to be...
While fashionistas from all over the globe sashayed into Lincoln Center for the debut of Fall...
Those of us who worry about robots stealing human jobs can rest easy (for now). Anybots’ virtual...
The fictional technology in Star Trek has been rightfully used as the benchmark to which all to...
Pinterest, everyone's favorite new social network, is making some changes this week that allow...
Does online film piracy hurt box office returns? A stronger indicator of the international success...
If you deal in image heavy work, I don't have to tell you about the merits of handling your images...
There's nothing scarier than getting a warning that your hard disk is almost full, and prevention...
Social networking sites play a growing role in activist and revolutionary organization around the...
Think you need Photoshop to add a bit of flare to your images? Guess again. Piqtur brings powerful...
MakerBot does exactly what the name promises: it's a robot that makes all kinds of things....
Dreams have always held a romantic fascination over mankind. As harbingers of some of the...
THE GIST: Bundlr is a curation tool for organizing and communicating information about an idea....