As in Marvel's The Avengers, there are some uneasy relationships between the members of a new task...
For a venture with its visibility, Twitter tends to be something of a quiet giant – periodically...
Whether they know it or not, anyone who loves Microsoft’s Kinect owes Alex Kipman some serious...
President Barack Obama signed an executive order Thursday designed to make broadband infrastructure...
On Tuesday, the social networking application Skout suspended its teen community after reports of...
A monolithic red machine stands in Europe. For a modest fee, it will awaken, briefly, to bake a...
Apple's iOS 6 announcement was met with fanfare, especially over its new app Passbook. Passbook is...
The next time your kid has a fever you might be able to skip the doctor's office. CellScope has...
Elon Musk, co-founder of PayPal and electric car company Tesla, has recently made headlines again...
In a move that could have widespread implications for the enforcement of intellectual property law,...
As social animals, humans instinctively yearn for connection, and in many ways technology has...
A startup with a novel twist on the classic jukeboxes that are now often left to decay in greasy...
In a move that's both groundbreaking and ringing eerily of George Orwell's 1984, the University of...
Media giant Turner Broadcasting Systems owns classic brands, like CNN and Turner Sports, that...
Prometheus, the prequel to the Alien film franchise, opened this weekend in theaters across North...