This week, in a rather lengthy blog post Valve employee Michael Abrash wrote about the game...
Working late into the night in front of a computer screen is increasing eye strain. Thanks to the...
This month, The Royal Canadian Mint has issued a challenge to software developers to help create...
Web giants like Facebook, Google, and Twitter give you a choice, say the developers working on...
Over the last few years, location-based apps like Foursquare have given users more reasons to...
Remember when everyone criticized Twitter for not having a revenue model? Twitter thought it would...
YouTube co-founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen have launched a teaser web site for a project that...
AOL will be getting $1.056 billion after selling more than 800 patents to Microsoft this week in a...
Reading long diatribes on review sites like Yelp and Amazon can leave you wondering about the...
Kickstarter is the new go-to if you want to crowdsource funding for a ridiculous gadget, an album...
The University of Cambridge has created an online game asking users to identify areas of London...
In a setback for Google, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today reversed a former ruling in...
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="293" caption="Courtesy of CNet"][/caption] I don't...
YouTube has armed itself to fight the war on TV, and it won't be showing up to the fight with cute...
Take a really close look at the picture I downloaded off Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Timeline. It's...