Electric Imp has unveiled a new, standardized flash card that has the potential to connect any...
Shares in social gaming company Zynga, which Tech.li recently covered in an expose, are frozen...
As someone who can't remember the heady days of the 1990s-era tech bubble, I'm not used to tech IPO...
A recent study funded by the National Science Foundation revealed that text messages often...
Business Insider, by way of Bloomberg, reports that German investors are bidding up shares in the...
Mozilla developers are testing a “reset” button for the popular Firefox browser, aimed at users...
It’s old news that developers are getting fed up with fragmentation on Google‘s Android...
Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) just announced final details of its hotly anticipated IPO. The company will...
Writers Note: This piece is a followup to one I wrote yesterday but got published today. It...
This week London-based company Zeta Agency has unveiled a new, creeptastic app for the iPhone...
In November of last year, the FBI rounded up a ring of Estonian nationals who have now been charged...
In yet another move to make the Internet Explorer brand hip and relevant, the team behind the...
Anyone who's ever visited The Pirate Bay (or "TPB") knows that the site experiences occasional...
Link-shortening dynamo Bitly is reportedly prepping to launch a viral search engine, and is working...
Google announced a major change today in the way its flagship search engine finds and delivers...