THE GIST- The Qubits Toy Company Toys knows that toys influence children, hopefully Qubits® will...
Facebook friends can see what music you're listening to thanks to its partnership with Spotify, and...
New Years is an ideal time to look back on your accomplishments from the previous year and begin...
One of the most difficult aspects of entrepreneurship is the need for self motivation and...
It was a seminal piece. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (The Atlantic ). I remember when it came...
2011 was a monumental year for the technology industry. We saw the rise of mobile with more users...
2011 was a great year for Instagram. Apple's iPhone App of the Year is more than just a...
Unlike its two-wheeled cousin, the unicycle has pretty much been ignored in terms of advancements....
THE GIST: Ingri:Dahl designs fashionable 3D glasses for men and women. FOUNDERS: Twin sisters...
Last week’s update to Twitter simplified some of the site’s more perplexing features like the...
Freed from corporate cubicles and overbearing bosses, we go by many names - Freelancers,...
Beta programs are a real challenge. You build your product. You make multiple iterations of...
If you've ever spent time on Paul Graham's social news site Hacker News, you know the...
Chicago-based Healthbox Accelerator has announced the first participants who will begin the program...
Wednesday afternoon Facebook revealed an about page titled "About Advertising on Facebook." Users...