THE GIST: Polarfox is a very slick flash application that allows you to edit, caption, and upload...
DuckDuckGo hits a big milestone, PlayStation Vita hype is building, and a putty that heals your...
I deal with a lot of data. Between half a dozen email accounts, three social networks, and a...
Startups are glamorized into overnight successes that roll over obstacles like a runaway freight...
Below is a guest post by Patrick Jobin. Patrick is a technical writer for Storagepipe Solution....
As the debate over online privacy rages in courts, legislatures and public opinion, many consumers...
THE GIST: Mistash is an image-based service that allows users to show off their personal stash....
*This story is sixth in a series featuring the initial participants of Healthbox...
I’m not one to favor the stifling of creativity and social advancement, but as a lawyer to uses...
[caption id="attachment_19530" align="aligncenter" width="516" caption="Image Credit: Harvard...
ProFounder, a crowdfunding website that helped entrepreneurs raise capital for their startups, shut...
There's coding, according to programmer and free culture advocate Rich Jones, and then there's...
The elusive Inbox Zero - the zen utopia of the Internet professional. An indicator of the mastery...
There are more than 500,000 apps in Apple's app store, and that number is growing each day. With...
DuckDuckGo, my search engine alternative of choice, recently crossed a huge milestone in their...