Update: A Squared Group and 20-Something Bloggers are offering Tech.li readers a 50% discount on the 20SB Community member rate, using the code techli (it is designed for 20-somethings, but you don’t *technically* have to be a 20-something to use this rate). Register. If you're a digital savvy...
Everyday people browse the Internet and magazines looking to emulate the style of their favorite...
Two weeks ago, Public Radio International's popular program "This American Life" did an episode on...
Entrepreneurs are never short on ideas, but they are often short on time. Bob Lozano, co-founder...
[caption id="attachment_7945" align="alignright" width="294" caption="MentorMob...
This summer, The App House rebranded to 5Degrees, a mobile and web-based platform designed to make...
How often do you feel that if the retail price for an item were only a few dollars less, you'd be...
When I moved from Atlanta to Chicago about a year ago to start my own company and explore a new...
Update: There are only 24 hours left to register for our new monthly series, TTO. REGISTER...
A few months ago we introduced Tech.li readers to Taxi Share Chicago, an Android app making its...
In these still unsteady economic times, everyone is trying to save a buck. And for those of us who...
I downloaded OS Lion on the day it was released. I watched my friends post on Facebook about its...
Do you have a revolutionary idea? Does your idea have the potential to become the NEXT BIG...
I don’t know anyone who likes health insurance, not patients and not health care providers. Deal...