Many non-Portland residents may recognize Mayor Sam Adams as the bumbling assistant to the mayor...
Widespread smartphone adoption has created novel social and commercial content channels for many...
Sometimes it seems like telemarketers have a psychic ability to call when you're sitting down to...
U.S. internet service providers have voluntarily agreed to begin an intensive digital surveillance...
Update: The amendment was shelved today at a breakfast meeting "in the wake of a rampant...
Google took part in an event this week designed to spur conversations about roles and possibilities...
Small business is and has always been the backbone of America's economy. From first colonies to our...
Although President Obama has signed the JOBS Act into law, the Securities and Exchange Commission...
Google said this week that the fifth data set to be released as part of the company's Transparency...
President Barack Obama signed an executive order Thursday designed to make broadband infrastructure...
Apple's iOS 6 announcement was met with fanfare, especially over its new app Passbook. Passbook is...
In a move that could have widespread implications for the enforcement of intellectual property law,...
Researchers in the Netherlands say that the density of Wi-Fi networks in heavily populated areas is...
The European Union's commissioner responsible for competition policy has given Google an...
A Russian, Microsoft-backed startup says it has developed technology for copyright owners to fight...