While traveling around the world, Paige Brown wanted to share her experiences with friends and...
On May 12, Chicago-based nonprofit Moneythink is hosting an event to gain support for its mission...
While in Chicago this past week, I attended the Chicago street-team launch of Zaarly, and I have to...
"One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of...
During a recent online conversation, there was a discussion regarding the actual dollar value of a...
Someday, there is a good chance that social media marketing will be a major for college kids. Until...
I am a huge fan of Twitter, but only until something better comes along. Here are four things that...
For those unfamiliar, Foursquare is a geo-location application designed for smartphone users...
PostPost is a social content curator that takes the content from your Facebook Newsfeed and...
Update: Donations have now ended. Over $650 was raised for Tsunami Relief in 72 hours. Thanks for...
Google has been taking a beating in the news for its "Spam Problem", which has led to the rise of...
Milwaukee is a city that has, at times, struggled to find its creative center. There are a great...
[Dallas, TX] VoteOnPlay is a real-time social gaming platform that allows pro sports fans to vote...
A few weeks ago, @wajam tweeted me this: "Loved your piece on social search, we couldn't agree...
Older, more jaded readers of Flyover Geeks might find themselves totally bamboozled by the recent...