Inspired by his childhood dream of riding a rocket around the world, Giacomo Miceli takes...
A new social network has emerged from Australia for geeky collectors everywhere. The recently...
When someone asks you to Google something, do you punch it into Bing? Has anyone ever Yahooed...
If you don't already strictly monitor the content you put on Twitter, now is the time to start. A...
The totalitarian state of North Korea is being transformed by the digital age, with more citizens...
A German-based startup has found a way to turn any surface into a touch screen. Ubi is a...
A University of Chicago Library will begin carrying a selection of classic video game titles and...
Google released the first video footage shot with the wearable computing device Project Glass...
Europe’s biggest industrial nation has made its way to the forefront of sustainable energy this...
The web may be littered with the husks of failed browsers, but struggling search outfit Yahoo! is...
Google released a cache of data Friday on requests, by copyright owners, for infringing data to be...
Who knew that coaxing people to track their daily health habits could be so easy and so lucrative?...
The mobile operating system scene is now dominated by Apple and Google, according to research firm...
A recently posted London job opening on the Microsoft Careers website confirms the development of...
A user on the NeoGAF forums has uncovered a Sony patent that will allow console makers to disrupt...