In a move that would turn heads in high school cafeterias everywhere, the jocks are inviting the...
In a rare, muted moment of good news for Google's company-wide focus on social networking, a new...
Researchers at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA have made a significant breakthrough in...
LGBT users are an afterthought in the mainstream online dating industry, says former
With the front door to big name publishing houses shrinking with each passing year, and the ease of...
Forget flyswatters and rolled up newspapers. If you’ve ever wished you could blast that annoying...
Making out over the Internet just got a whole lot easier. A new two-way digital kissing gadget...
Move over SermonAudio: there's a new app in town, and this one promises to do more than...
When it comes to venture funding, Ohio keeps it local. Thanks to the state's dedication to foster...
Harvard engineers have recently received a $2.6 million contract from DARPA to develop a...
If you’re part of the nearly 20 percent of US consumers who already own some kind of tablet...
Browsing the photos of double bacon-cheese burgers, mint-chocolate milkshakes, and other delicious...
Furnishly, a Chicago-based online furniture selling marketplace, is looking to replace the abstract...
In the Information age, information may still be free, but snuggling is certainly not. Jackie...
After smashing Kickstarter records by reaching its nearly $1 million goal in mere hours, the OUYA...