What is the most important thing a tech entrepreneur can do to acquire their first ~1,000 users...
“The night before the Cozad Competition Finals, my partner, Prashant Mehta, and I talked about...
Your business can’t exist in a vacuum. Whether your customers are the type to leave a nasty...
St. Louis entrepreneurs all make their way at some point to Lab1500 to be interviewed on Techli...
Ask anyone that has been around long enough- or talk to someone from Boston- and you'll hear that...
The term “Developing World” often conjures the image of broke and broken society. While their...
Steve Case, the former CEO of AOL, will be coming through our city this week. It’s part of his...
The St. Louis entrepreneurial ecosystem continues to grow, and received another boost Tuesday when...
While there are still some professionals out there using Excel (shudder) as a poor man's CRM, most...
The elevator pitch. Every entrepreneur knows they need to have one, and almost every entrepreneur...
Looking for a way to quickly digest the top stories from Techli.com? Check out Techli Now! It’s...
October 2nd, 2014- Tonight Venture Cafe launched in St. Louis at the Cambridge Innovation Center...
There are few things more exciting, and nerve-wracking, for a startup founder than launching a...
What social media platform do most entrepreneurs neglect that they shouldn't? The following...