As the world is anticipating the premiere of The Social Network, another Harvard-based website is...
Between episodes of Project Runway and copies of Lucky and Vogue, Christine Elia thought about what...
Recently I sat down to talk to Fred Hoch, President of the Illinois Technology Association to...
Kris Peterson was simultaneously training for the Chicago marathon and buying tons of Groupons. He...
Tap Me Inc. is revolutionizing the mobile gaming experience, providing an attractive solution for...
If you've been following me here on Flyover Geeks, you may have seen the initial Adventures in...
PingGadget hit my radar last week and I immediately thought to myself, “Oh great, a...
Social media provides a great vehicle for marketers, thought leaders and individual contributors to...
by Benjamin J. Pavlovic Toasts were made, bongos were played and PuPus were consumed as Drink...
JunoWallet is a San Jose based start-up whose co-founder, Chris Sweis, lives here in...
[caption id="attachment_558" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="GrubWith.Us diners at Sapori...
Hello Flyover Geeks! This is my inaugural post so go easy on me. I'm the geek that will cover...
September is going to be a BIG month in Flyover Country Flyover Geeks is having three separate...
January 12, 1959: Berry Gordy founds Motown Records at 2648 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit and arrogantly...
Simple concepts — learn and teach for free, combined with an honest vision to create tangible...