In a move that could represent a gauntlet in a battle for mobile office suite share between Google...
Google has bought Meebo, an online chat client that handles multiple chat accounts. Meebo...
New code on the Chinese version of Google will alert users who are about to search for a query that...
Google announced Wednesday that Google Places will be incorporated into the company's social...
After announcing the slew of new features coming to the Microsoft search engine a few weeks back,...
A Google-backed innovation community in Nairobi, Kenya, plans to build the first African...
As smartphones have exploded in popularity, so too has mobile malware. But it's not all bad news:...
Samsung's hotly anticipated Galaxy S III handset generated special interest because of its voice...
Inspired by his childhood dream of riding a rocket around the world, Â Giacomo Miceli takes...
When someone asks you to Google something, do you punch it into Bing? Has anyone ever Yahooed...
Google released the first video footage shot with the wearable computing device Project Glass...
The web may be littered with the husks of failed browsers, but struggling search outfit Yahoo! is...
Google released a cache of data Friday on requests, by copyright owners, for infringing data to be...
The mobile operating system scene is now dominated by Apple and Google, according to research firm...
Malware activity spiked during the first quarter of this year on both mobile and desktop platforms,...