"One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There's always more than you can cope with." This quote by Marshall McLuhan has more than a small ring of truth to it. Anyone with an Internet connection or a Smartphone can...
[caption id="attachment_4472" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Robert Wolcott at...
Most entrepreneurs have questions about what kind of funding is right for their venture. On April...
During a recent online conversation, there was a discussion regarding the actual dollar value of a...
What is it that makes a charismatic leader? Is it his or her message, or its delivery? Or is it...
Among the first companies hatched from the Spreenkler Talent Labs project is Zoomshift. ZoomShift...
Lately I’ve been doing quite a bit of business development for my freelance services, and its...
Back in 2008, when Seth Godin published his fourteenth book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, he was...
Calling all Chicago-based Coders... Over $5,000 in prizes for building cool stuff in 24 hours...
As a tech writer in Milwaukee, I sometimes find myself forgetting the gigantic scale of the tech...
Someday, there is a good chance that social media marketing will be a major for college kids. Until...
I am a huge fan of Twitter, but only until something better comes along. Here are four things that...
Desiree Vargas Wrigley is the co-founder of GiveForward, a website that allows people to crowd fund...