Jack Eisenberg is the creator of Mapding, a new app for the iPhone and Android devices. If you came...
iDealDigs aims to be the one stop shop for people looking to rent a fully furnished condo, home or...
Lean Startup Machine is a weekend-long startup competition that conforms to Lean Startup...
MyLifeRank, termed “a social motivation network” by its team of developers, might entice you to...
The Illinois Technology Partnership is a non-profit run by the tireless Lindsay Mosher who is an...
CHICAGO — For years, Firebelly Design has been donating a year of their services to one lucky...
Carson Conant is the CEO and co-founder of Mediafly, a technology startup in Chicago that is at...
KeyLimeTie thrives on connections. A snowball effect spawned by close connections has developed...
The subterranean mobility of house music has helped carve a sort of divine devotion from active...
Wednesday, Oct. 6: The T-Mobile G2 Phone made its official debut at the Chicago Sync Center located...
Entrepreneur Bill Loumpourdis founded his company, EDL consulting, in the ashes of the dotcom boom...
[caption id="attachment_1327" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Steven Wright, Wright...
While this post is not technically about the Chicago startup scene, it is related to Obama's...
In the days of old the only way to get into a musician's or band's tour bus was to be a member,...
Flyover Geeks launched just over a month ago and the response to what we are doing has been...