I love young startup founders. I admire them for not skipping school to drive around town or smoke...
When you are ready to launch a new product, how do you know that you are charging your new users...
I'm thinking about hiring a Community Manager for my company. Can you name one trait that you...
The internet never sleeps. In the global economy, users are expecting help with your products 24...
RC3, an app developer who released a game entitled “Joustin’ Beaver,” recently received a...
Last week, I came across this post on the 37signals blog Signal v.s Noise. The post shows the...
Whether you're working in technology or you're a gadget-head (or both!), you probably hate RIM's...
There seems to be no shortage of headlines lately dealing with trademark disputes between major...
A few weeks ago I found myself at a family dinner, when the inevitable discussion of politics...
Democratic president Barack Obama is praised for both his tech-savvy and his progressive views on...
It takes about 15 minutes after your first whiff of tech startup success to receive the following...
The war between traditional print and digital media is being fought largely on the E-Reader front,...
Over the past few weeks, I’ve discussed several recent cases involving two competitors claiming...
There's nothing scarier than getting a warning that your hard disk is almost full, and prevention...
Startups are glamorized into overnight successes that roll over obstacles like a runaway freight...