Name a product or brand with a mobile shopping app that's caught your eye. What about it makes it...
What advice would you give an entrepreneur who wants to use a high-tech offering to improve a...
What's your favorite split-testing tool and why? The following answers are provided by the Young...
What are the best resources, on or offline, for female founders to brush up on technical...
Name your best tip for marketing a large-scale virtual event successfully. The following answers...
What's the most exciting new technology you invested in for your company in 2012 so far, and...
What's one up-and-coming web platform (desktop or mobile) you recommend using to distribute your...
How do enterprise social media platforms like Yammer help your team stay on task and...
What ONE gadget can you or your team not live without (other than a smartphone)? The following...
I'm thinking about hiring a Community Manager for my company. Can you name one trait that you...
Q: What mobiles apps do you use to market your business and interact with customers while on the...
Q: How can I best use Pinterest to promote my business and engage new/existing customers? The...