Google Integrates Docs With Google+ Hangouts

By March 14, 2012

Google has announced that the full Google Docs suite is now fully integrated with Google+ Hangouts. The integration means that Google Doc users will now have the option to video chat with collaborators within their web-based document.

Previously the feature was accessible through an opt-in program “Hangouts with extras” along with several other  features like Screensharing, Sketchpad, and Mobile hangouts.

Google developer  announced the integration on her Google+ page yesterday.

To try out the new feature:

  • Click on the new “Docs” button inside your hangout
  • Add an existing document, or upload a new one
  • View & choose from added documents, which appear as a list on the left-hand side
  • Edit one document or switch between and collaboratively edit multiple documents at once


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