Coder Girl Re-Launch, Wednesday Jan 14

By January 12, 2015


LaunchCode, the St. Louis­based non­profit that creates pathways to technology jobs through skills training and job placement, invites local women interested in programming and careers in tech to the CoderGirl_Relaunch kickoff event at the CIC (4240 Duncan Ave) on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The group will meet weekly throughout the year at the same time and place.

“CoderGirl is two hours where women of all backgrounds and skill levels can come together to support each other in learning to code” said Annie­Rose Fondaw, Communications Manager at LaunchCode. “We are creating a welcoming space for women to get involved in a traditionally male dominated field”

LaunchCoder Girl 2015 from LaunchCode on Vimeo.

Experienced mentors attend each meetup to help participants with specific programming
questions, but each CoderGirl can also work through a free online course, such as Harvard’s CS50 program. CoderGirl’s combination of community support, mentorship, and education have been life­changing for many of its participants­­since the program’s debut in 2014, several CoderGirls have been hired by St. Louis companies such as MasterCard and Enterprise.

No prior programming experience is necessary to participate in CoderGirl. Those interested need only a laptop and basic computer skills.