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MIT Student Engineers The Unicycle You Never Knew You Wanted

Unlike its two-wheeled cousin, the unicycle has pretty much been ignored in terms of advancements.…

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Kickstarter Project: Fashionable 3D Glasses by Ingri:Dahl

Ingri:Dahl designs fashionable 3D glasses for men and women.

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What’s Missing From The New Twitter

Last week’s update to Twitter simplified some of the site’s more perplexing features like the…

Infolinks’ Interesting, Albeit Inaccurate, History of Ads #Infographic

Love it or hate it, most of us have come to accept advertising's presence in…

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5 Tips for Work-at-Home Sanity

Freed from corporate cubicles and overbearing bosses, we go by many names - Freelancers, Consultants,…

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The X Factor in Your Beta Program: Should Users Pay?

Beta programs are a real challenge.  You build your product.  You make multiple iterations of…

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The Words That Make Hacker News Tick #INFOGRAPHIC

If you've ever spent time on Paul Graham's social news site Hacker News, you know…

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Healthbox Accelerator Announces First Round Participants

Chicago-based Healthbox Accelerator has announced the first participants who will begin the program on January…

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Facebook Explains Ad Model to Users

Wednesday afternoon Facebook revealed about page titled "About Advertising on Facebook."

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Never Forget Birthday or Anniversary again with MoreBrownies

MoreBrownies is a web service that keeps you from forgetting to buy gifts for your…

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Face-Invaders Lets You Blow Up Your Friends (Without Going to Jail)

FaceInvaders is a SpaceInvaders clone with a simple twist - the aliens you blew up…

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Your business — every business - needs a web presence capable of collecting info about…

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CEO Sunday: How I used Reddit, Hackernews and MailSlayer to Promote MailSlayer

Starting a tech business, I have always fantasized about getting “Crunched” by TechCrunch or front…

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CEO Sunday: The Value of X

The 2008-2009 global financial crisis was another wakeup call in the evolution of our society,…

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Weekend Recap: Stories You May Have Missed

Ok, so it was a busy week. Don't worry, we understand. That's why we put…