What’s Mark Zuckerberg’s Salary? $483,333 a Year

Facebook filed its Initial Public Offering late this afternoon and is seeking to raise $5 billion dollars. Along with the filing, Facebook must reveal all sorts of interesting data to the public in an S1 document, including the salaries of Chief Officiers. Interestingly enough Zuckerberg takes salary of $483,333 dollars per year, similar to the salary of President Barack Obama at $400,000 per year. Outside of his salary Zuckerberg brings in some hefty ‘compensation’ and bonuses totaling nearly one million dollars. These numbers are nothing when compared to the value of Zuckerberg’s 500,000,000 shares, and with 28.4% of the company he won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

What do you think of Zuck’s annual income? Let us know in the comments.

Andrew Torba: Andrew is the CEO of Kuhcoon.com, a Social Media as a Service (SMaS) platform. Andrew is also a senior at the University of Scranton where he double majors in Philosophy and Political Science with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Over the past year he has researched and documented over 500 tech startup companies from across the globe. Andrew has a passion for entrepreneurship, technology, social media, and weight lifting.

View Comments (2)

  • The $483k salary doesn't mean much when you've already cashed out billions and have that much more in stock. Almost surprised he didn't just go the $1 salary route. He totally could have.

    • I'm with you Ryan, doesn't make much sense and it also doesn't say much about his integrity to be honest.Â