Twin Cities Startup Week: celebrating entrepreneurs and startups in Minnesota

Starting on October 9, Twin Cities will be celebrating entrepreneurs who are encouraging the growth of Minnesota’s economy.

Organizers are currently accepting ideas from companies to help design an authentic celebration for the week of events.

“What we want people to know is that anyone can start a business in Minnesota”, said Nels Pederson, the founder of Twin Cities Startup Week. “From Oct. 9 to Oct. 15, there will be over 100 events that are all built around this idea of celebrating startups in Minnesota”.

Pederson believes there is an importance of celebrating the work these entrepreneurs do and that it is essential to give them the chance to showcase their st

artups and to learn about the resources available to them. Thousands of bright entrepreneurs are expected to attend the experience due to Minnesota’s rising startup scene making it a go-to state for novel and innovative companies.

“Our work-life balance is just incredible,” Pederson added. “You can live a great life in Minnesota while you’re starting your own business and it doesn’t need to slow down things like starting a family.”

Additionally, Pederson and his team are now accepting applications for their fly-in programme. This helps potential entrepreneurs explore new career options in Minnesota. Last year, 14 people were accepted to the fly in program and two applicants now work and live in Minnesota as a result.

“We fly in people to Minnesota to get jobs,” he said. “We help put them in front of recruiters and then we let them experience the energy of startup week.”

Hopefully the week will lead to some positive and inspiring experiences for many up and coming entrepreneurs and startups, boosting Minnesota’s flourishing startup scene.


Sam Brake Guia: Sam is an energetic and passionate writer/blogger, always looking for the next adventure. In August 2016 he donated all of his possessions to charity, quit his job, and left the UK. Since then he has been on the road travelling through North, Central and South America searching for new adventures and amazing stories.