[Updated: The public launch will be held back until the end of October, in part due to the fact RedRadius will be participating in the Lean Startup Challenge this fall.] New t
Mounted on the Foursquare platform and using their API, RedRadius will be able to take advantage of the extensive location database Foursquare has compiled over the last several years. The app is free, but you will need a Foursquare or Facebook-linked Foursquare account in order to check in and take advantage of the app’s other uses.
With RedRadius’s location-specific feed, users will be able to directly interact with one another and view the comments, questions and check ins of others. There is also the added capability to poll the crowd – simply type out a (mutiple choice) question and send it to the live feed for a response. Realizing that privacy concerns are an issue, only those that are checked into the same event will be able to view who else is checked in at that location. As Attawia states, “our aim is […] not to advertise their whereabouts to the world”. However, while mounted on the Foursquare platform RedRadius will follow those privacy settings.
To find out more about the beta launch and updates (including v2.0 which Attawia anticipates to include the Android platform), sign up on the website, follow them on Twitter or hook up with them on Facebook.
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Can wait to use this stuff