Real Solutions Aids With Information Technology

COO Jeremy Burton and CEO Reggie Jones.

When starting a business, there are a lot of technical aspects that owners often need help organizing. Real Solutions is a new St. Louis business intended to help with creating and managing those aspects. The company provides help developing websites, mobile sites and other software for up and coming companies.”A lot of it is sitting down with other people and getting an idea of what their business and experience is,” explained the company’s CEO, Reggie Jones. “If you can understand the power of IT, that’s one thing, but if you can understand a person’s business and use IT to help their business, you’re more effective.”

Real Solutions has only just began operating three months ago and in that time has already garnered a few large clients. Owners COO Jeremy Burton and CEO Reggie Jones currently run the business. Both have worked together developing numerous start ups over the years and Real Solutions is their new project. “We found people requesting for us to do this kind of work and while initially we said no…we then sat down and talked about our options and decided to go for it.”

Companies that help businesses with web and mobile development are fairly common and at times can oversaturate the market. However, Real Solutions claims to be balancing on the flux of business in the market and plans to continue running long into the projected future. “Our biggest challenge has just been getting set up fast enough,” said Burton. “We want to meet our clients demands.”

Currently Burton and Jones are the lead operators of the company along with a handful of other employees. As business grows they have plans to expand. While they have no venture capital currently, the company has a few St. Louis clients including Elite Detailing and the DNA Boutique.

Julianna Inman: Julianna Inman works in writing and video production. She has lived in the St. Louis Area for twelve years now and has strong interest and connections to the startup communities here in the city. She loves her work and being a part of the fast-paced St. Louis environment.