This week NT CONNECT took a significant step forward in combating the spread of fake news, misinformation, and its negative consequences on society.
With the introduction of’s web-based product, the company leverages the latest in AI and machine learning to offer readers a deeper understanding of the various forms of bias in news articles.
The proliferation of disinformation on social networks has led to various negative consequences, from baseless conspiracy theories to the exacerbation of social conflicts. Such issues are particularly evident in current events, such as the controversy surrounding COVID-19 vaccines and Russian bans on social media platforms.
In light of these challenges, it is concerning that fake news spreads up to six times faster than accurate information.
How can individuals effectively filter out truth from falsehood in an era of widespread information access?
“Biased reporting is a major concern in today’s society. Misinformation is the most commonly misused buzzword. But the reality is that language itself manipulates and persuades the casual reader. By objectively analyzing language, we avoid the subjective bias found in other approaches,” said Garry Paxinos, CTO at NT CONNECT.
“As opposed to subjectively labeling misinformation, our approach is to illuminate how one can be manipulated with exaggerated headlines, revision history, and text of articles.”

Despite popular belief, the proliferation of fake news did not emerge with the advent of the internet. False information has been a constant in human culture throughout history — its success lies in that individuals tend to trust such misinformation when emotions are involved, as opinions and beliefs bias one’s feelings.
Identifying the integrity of online information can be challenging; however, technological advancements, such as AI, offer a promising solution to this problem. AI-powered tools can aid in detecting fake news by analyzing and flagging suspicious content, with these tools also helping users to identify trustworthy sources of information by providing reputation scores for websites and articles, thereby assisting users in identifying authentic and reliable sources of information. employs three distinct rating styles to evaluate the integrity of news content, including NOOZSCORE, which measures the degree of persuasive language used in the article; NOOZMETRICS, which analyzes the sentiment, propaganda, opinion, revisions, and ghost edits in the report; and NOOZREACTION, which presents a more relatable interpretation of the previous ratings through the use of illustrations and idioms.
The use of this kind of technology will help us to manage information by reducing its emotional impact. So don’t worry — AI is here to enable a more efficient learning experience through our interactions with data; a machine isn’t here yet to replace human intelligence.