FridayNiteBytes Premieres 3rd Episode This Friday is pleased to announce the premier of its third episode — Approximate Wait Time – March 4th at 7:30pm.

fridaynitebYtes is .comedy for screenagers, the home of the Internet’s first (and only) streaming comedy show created with, for and by our audience: tweens and teens.

Episode Three is the latest interactive installment and the next step in bringing comedy to our screenage audience.

Because the comedy is clean and funny, fridaynitebYtes is safe for kids and their parents (although we promise only that the kids will laugh). After the laughs, new viewers can join the site to comment, interact and contribute to the next show (while learning about humor, Internet production and the media arts).

Joe Keefe, Executive Producer of fridaynitebYtes, is one of the Ancient Mariners of Chicago comedy. Starting his career on Romper Room and detouring through National Lampoon and Second City, Joe went on to found and execproduce Second City Communications, the production arm of Second City Theaters. In addition to delivering the funny for fridaynitebYtes, Joe teaches broadcasting at Columbia College.

fridaynitebYtes’ ensemble of talented young writers, actors and producers are all uber-trained in the Chicago tradition, but you do not need to be a professional to get involved. Already, over 50 Chicago area screenagers have appeared in our episodes. And one of the site’s members got on-screen recognition as a co-creator when his submission to the site inspired the rap video “Hot Jam.” At fridaynitebYtes, our audience works with our ensemble to create each show.

Check out the site and enjoy the show on March 4th at 7:30 PM — only @

Untitled from Edward Domain on Vimeo.
“GoGoGO Trailer from fridaynitebYtes

Edward Domain: Edward is the founder and CEO of He is a writer, U.S. Army veteran, serial entrepreneur and chronic early adopter. Having worked for startups in Silicon Valley and Chicago, he founded, grew and successfully exited his own previous startup and loves telling the stories of innovators. Email: | @EdwardDomain