Early Bird Tickets Go On Sale For St. Louis Startup Weekend

Do you want to found a startup, but need a co-founder or two? How about a room full of co-founders? Future CTOs and CEOs can save $20 on their St. Louis Startup Weekend tickets by registering for the event by October 19th. Early bird tickets are $75, but the price will be going up to $95 on October 20th.

St. Louis Startup Weekend will take place from November 9th to November 11th at TEC @ Railroad Exchange Building (T-REx). The weekend long event is one of many that are held around the world with the goal of encouraging developers, designers, and marketing teams to come together and create a startup in one weekend. Each startup team has just 54 hours to formulate and agree upon an idea, then present to the local business community.

This event marks the second Startup Weekend held in St. Louis. The first event in January was attended by 101 people, with 43 people who pitched ideas, and 12 teams ultimately forming to work on a startup. The three winning teams included DebtDash, Analyticsjust.us, and Amppad. Of the three winners, only DebtDash still has live site. While some ideas may die after the weekend wraps, other startups like Zaarly from Startup Weekend Los Angeles go on to become legitimate companies who have raised millions of dollars in venture capital.

The ultimate goal of Startup Weekend isn’t necessarily to launch the next big thing. Instead, the real value of the weekend is the connections that attendees make with people in their local startup scene. The collaboration of different players within the local startup community challenges people to work together in new and interesting ways. Many attendees already have successful careers in their field, but find that the experience of attending a Startup Weekend event leaves them inspired to think differently about hard problems back at the office.

Event organizers for St. Louis Startup Weekend include local government and startup organizations, including Jody Shelton, Rosa Mayer, Matt Menietti, Jay DeLong, Shawn McGinness, Francis Chmelir, Kevin Farrell, Tara Pham, and Steven Adamski.

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