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Chicago is the 21st Century Motown of Startups

January 12, 1959: Berry Gordy founds Motown Records at 2648 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit and…

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App Reviews: Revz and Simon Graham and the Extraordinary Timepiece

Over the last couple of months I have been app-deep in iPhone 4 reviews. From…

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Why you need to be Really Mad, Right Now, about Net Neutrality (1789 Style)

Being in Flyover Country is interesting. On the one hand there are some amazing people…

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Epublishing: Diving in Headfirst

The book is dead. Long live the book! No matter what side of the traditional…

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MobileAppEx announces 2011 Conference Date

Hello Flyover country- I got an exciting press release in my inbox today for MobileAppEx-…

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CommuniTeach asks: What do you want to learn today?

Simple concepts — learn and teach for free, combined with an honest vision to create…