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Her Campus: Informing “Collegiettes” All Over the Country

As the world is anticipating the premiere of The Social Network, another Harvard-based website is…

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Playing Nice

Being a Tech startup reporting on Tech startups has put me in a unique situation;…

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Mike Evans of Grubhub schools Lean Startup crowd

Last night Bernhard Kappe of Pathfinder Development hosted a Lean Startup event in the office…

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Storage by the Box is storage without leaving Home

Entrepreneur founder of Storage by the Box Phil Murphy hit upon his business idea after…

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More Great Stuff on “I Am 4 Kids”

Yesterday Flyover Geeks introduced you to the non-profit I Am 4 Kids and in addition…

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Startup “I Am 4 Kids” snags NFL Superbowl Sponsorship

Entrepreneur Mark Papadas had his “A-HA!” moment in bed one night, unable to sleep. “Like…

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Closet Couture and Online Closets: The Next Big Thing?

Between episodes of Project Runway and copies of Lucky and Vogue, Christine Elia thought about…

How KarmaKorn is Changing the Face of Philanthropy

By Anne Feher If I could make one small change, make one quick but meaningful…

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Power2Switch: Transition of Power to the People

The art of comparison shopping is often confined to homes & vehicles, advanced electronics, hotel…

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How to know when you’re on the right collegiate path

Last year I decided to leave Chicago for a job in Los Angeles. Today's guest…

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Why An IP Lawyer Co-Founded The Largest Startup Conference In Midwest

Jonathan Pasky is a lawyer and one three guys behind Midventures, a Chicago technology consulting…

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FanVision helps NFL improve the stadium experience

With the boom of high definition television, cable channels such as NFL Red Zone and…

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Chicago Police using Nixle to help you stay connected

The Chicago Police Department is now joining the social media scene by using text messaging.…

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Consignment goes Hi-Tech with Chicago Kids’ Consignment

South Suburban Mom of three Alicia Meyer was on vacation in the south where she…

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Dare to Wear New Technology

Anyone else out there a techie and fashionista all in one? Well have we got…