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Mega Man 5 with Ockenheimer St. Jakobsberg Silvaner Eiswein

Back in July, possibly under the influence of alcohol, I tweeted "Mega Man 5 on…

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Swagtag Aims to Spark Conversation Through Daily Twitter Contests

In an effort to help business owners jump-start their social media and advertising efforts, co-founders…

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5Degrees – A Search For Tech Talent

I originally agreed to write for Tech.Li planning to document my summer internship at 5Degrees. However,…

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Groupon Offers Its Stock As Groupon?

By now it's old news that the shine is off for Groupon's IPO. Previously valued…

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Startup Israel Documentary

With a population of approximately 7 million people, Israel produces more startups per capita than…

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How To Win Startup Weekend, And How I’d Change It

Last weekend, I competed at Startup Weekend Ideas Week. The idea I pitched was something…

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CEO Sunday: Design To Sell. Build To Keep.

Written by Justin Beck, Co-Founder and CEO of PerBlue We’re unique in the mobile game…

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Occupy Hackathon Provides Tools for Activists

In this day and age, a monumental social protest isn't complete without a few good hackers (am…

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VC Funding Slows in Q3; Investments in Software Remain Solid

According to The MoneyTree Report by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Association — based on data from…

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Gmail gets Facelift?

Your inbox may be getting a facelift courtesy of Google. Blogger Carlos Jimenez uncovered a Youtube…

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Understanding Startup Funding [Infographic]

Solid ideas, a devoted team, and a healthy market are all components for startup success;…

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People Are Awesome – Thoughts on TEDxMidwest

If I had one word to describe my feelings leading up to TEDxMidwest last week,…

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Secure E-mail Encryption With Sendinc

Texas-based Sendinc, which launched in March 2011, is a cloud-based e-mail encryption service that reduces…

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CIW Partner Program : Kauffman Foundation Midwest Entrepreneur Summit

Chicago Ideas Week offered a unique experience. Last week I went to a couple of the…

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Found: A Virus that Kills Breast Cancer Cells

Penn State College of Medicine researchers have found a virus that kills human breast cancer…