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Anatango Brings Business Management to the Cloud

Sure, it takes two to tango, but how many people does it take to AnaTango?…

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3D Without the Glasses or the TV?

3D capable displays are popping up everywhere, but people don't seem all that thrilled about it.…

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Tennessee Reveals Plan to Improve Startup Companies

In an effort to create more jobs, improve business and make the state the “No.…

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Why Biotech Startups are Not the Same as Tech Startups

As a former team member of a biotechnology startup, I was amazed by the amount…

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Jawbone UP Band: Full Review

UPDATE: The Up Band has since been recalled by Jawbone, see here for more details.…

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Shop Ethically With Free2Work App

When buying a candy bar in the checkout aisle, or grabbing a coffee at Starbucks,…

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Op-Ed: Let’s Make $ome Money!

Like many, I was surprised when Sprouter announced it was closing its doors. I was…

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Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist

There has never been a manual for the entrepreneur raising venture capital — until now. Venture…

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CEO Sunday: Teaching Tech – Bringing New Technology to Old Industries

There are many ingredients to a winning startup, including solid technology, robust features, monetizable value,…

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Weekend Recap: Stories You May Have Missed

We get it. Running a company keeps you pretty busy during the week. While you…

Does Your Startup Have Social Media Persona?

Recently I was scrolling through my News Feed on Facebook and I stumbled upon a…

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Becoming Investment Ready: Tips for Crafting Successful Business Plan

Dr. Paul Magelli, who teaches an Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development course at the University of…

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Startup Smackdown: Fitbit vs Jawbone UP

How well do you sleep? How much do you exercise? What foods give you energy…

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Google Announces Partnership With Startup Weekend

Google has just announced a partnership with Startup Weekend — a global organization committed to…

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Hoseanna: An Automated Service for Women on the Go

Netflix did it with movies, Hoseanna does it with hoisery.   Meet the latest in…