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Startup Smackdown: BookRenter vs Chegg

Let’s face it, textbooks are expensive and often not sources of reading pleasure after their…

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Facebook vs. Everyone: What’s in Name?

Last year the social networking giant we all know as Facebook launched a number of…

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Could Your iPad Survive 1,300-Foot Drop?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that G-Form makes the most ridiculously awesome iPad cases…

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Find “What’s for Dinner” With FoodGenius

"What’s for dinner?" The age old question weighs on many minds. Chicago-based app FoodGenius offers ways…

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Raise Tree and Save the Environment One Child at a Time

No one can ignore climate change. Agree with it, disagree with it. But ignore it?…

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  • Uncategorized Headed for NYC

Here at, our focus on Flyover Geeks and ‘innovation everywhere’ showcases contributions to the…

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Resunate: World’s First SEO Resume Builder

Resunate a free product of Careerimp, Inc., is a SEO resume builder that utilizes the…

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Startups Alive, Well and Growing in Michigan

We are all quite familiar with entrepreneurial activity along the East and West Coasts.  They…

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10 Apps for Entrepreneurs on the Go

Hello mobile entrepreneur. I know your schedule is packed with meetings, meet-ups, product development, sales…

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Startup Smackdown: CLLCT vs. Bandcamp

Today, anyone with a laptop and an Internet connection has a recording studio and a…

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For Startup Success, Add Love (of People)

Service is the Secret On January 1st, 2000, with the New Year and new millennium,…

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Startup Smackdown: SpotHero vs ParkWhiz

The maxim of launching a startup in the digital world works like this: Take an…

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Education Startups Promote Interactive Learning

The education system has always been "behind the 8-ball" when it comes to applying the…

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5 Wearable Technologies That Make Being Geek, Chic

What if technology wasn't contained in a pocket-sized device, but in the pocket itself? Technology…

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How Do You Teach “Entrepreneurship”?

This semester I enrolled in the introductory class for the new Entrepreneurship minor at the…