
  • Startups
  • Technology

A revolutionary app that looks to combat fake news

We spoke to Harleen Kaur, co-founder of new AI anti-fake news app Ground, which released…

  • Chicago
  • Illinois

Hearken helps newsrooms break from tradition by crowdsourcing story ideas

Journalism has seen a whole world of changes since the first newspapers were published hundreds…

  • Sponsored Post

Tax refund delayed? Don’t call the IRS, RefundNote tells you why and how to get it fast

When people rely on their annual tax refunds, they expect the money to be in…

  • Kansas City

Hack Midwest competition to bring together 300 coders in Kansas City

More than 300 coders will compete in Kansas City's Hack Midwest from July 21 to…

  • Sponsored Post

Oil and gas has new online community for camaraderie and conversations

With a focusĀ on conversations and not simple news or technical information for people in the…

  • Kansas City
  • Missouri

School of Sock helps men embrace work fashion with “subtly risky” socks

Socks have moved on from being the go-to present for your dad or grandpa to…

  • Culture
  • Midwest Regions
  • Ohio

A Midwest accelerator is providing boosts to women and people of color in tech

Ohio's Hillman Accelerator is trying to make up for one of the most obvious problems…

  • Des Moines
  • Iowa
  • Tech

Intelligent beer app from Iowa makes craft beer tasting both engaging and informative

How often have you ordered a beer flight at a craft beer restaurant, only to…

  • Minnesota
  • Startups

This Minnesota startup makes protein-packed chips that help the environment

While the global meat and poultry industries continue to pollute lands and waterways with their…

  • Chicago
  • Food
  • Illinois
  • Lifestyle
  • Startups
  • Tech

Tovala oven brings ready-made meals to the 21st century

Chicago-based startup Tovala is starting up the much-disparaged, ready-made meal to gourmet proportions by using…

  • Chicago
  • Illinois

Language learning’s breeze, says Chicago-based startup Fluent Forever

Chicago-based polyglot Gabriel Wyner written a language-learning book and set up a website to allow…

  • Culture
  • Indiana
  • Ohio

Two Midwest startup boosters are partnering up to bring more opportunities to the region

The Cincinnati-based startup booster Cintrifuse announced that it will be partnering with Indianapolis' Powderkeg to…

  • Chicago
  • Illinois
  • Lifestyle
  • People

Chicago-based Triggr app can predict addict relapses with 90% accuracy

Chicago-based Triggr Health is an app that helps people struggling with substance or alcohol abuse…

  • LA

Influencing your government through web platform: Interview with Amit Thakkar

Across the US the debate surrounding gun laws appears to be more prevalent than ever,…

  • Detroit
  • Michigan
  • Tech

Keep your guns, just keep them safe, says Identilock gun safety startup

Shot in the face as a teenager, Omar Kiyani has created a biometric gun lock…