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How To Do SEO For Startups

The following is a guest post from James Agate, the founder and SEO Director of…

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Dear Congress, Please Don’t Break The Internet. Love, The People That Made It

If you tuned in yesterday to watch the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) go through a 11.5…

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What the SOPA Means For Business and Innovation [Infographic]

This infographi explains what SOPA is, the timeline of events that have surrounded the bill,…

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The 2012 Social Media Election [Infographic]

What if social media told the story of the 2012 Presidential election?

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Get Your Censor On #SOPA

Fight For the Future released a comedic point of view by pointing out the obvious…

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The Journey To The Cloud #Infographic

It's strange to think that it was only 150 years ago that the first transcontinental…

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Swap Your Jawbone Up for Lark Sleep System

The Jawbone Up Band was the talk of the tech community for several weeks leading…

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Reddit CoFounder Alexis Ohanian Speaks Out Against SOPA

Reddit CoFounder Alexis Ohanian symbolically turned to Youtube to plead the case of internet entrepreneurs everywhere, urging viewers to help…

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Take A Scenic Run In Your BaseMent with Virtual Active

Sick of being forced to stare at grey walls and sweaty men at the gym?…

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Google To Donate $11.5M To Fight Modern Slavery

SAN FRANCISCO – - the philanthropy arm of the Silicon Valley search engine, announced…

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Tell Congress YOU Work For The Internet

In an effort to rush SOPA through Congress before the end of the year, the…

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Why Microsoft Doesn’t Care If SkyDive Fails

I don’t know if you have noticed, but lately Microsoft has been actively developing for…

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WordPress Introduces “WordAds”

In stating the obvious, I’d like to proclaim that the Internet has changed the face…

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Kickstarter Project: Bicycles For Our Minds

The project includes a poster,decal, and wallpaper image set of Steve Jobs depicted with bicycle…

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CEO Mixtape: Klout CEO Joe Fernandez

Ramen Noodles again???  The startup lifestyle is not an easy one, and every founder need…