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Digital Heartstrings: The Creative Byproducts of Gaming

From an external perspective, the experience of playing video games may seem like an intensely…

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Ridejoy: Bringing Good Feelings to Ridesharing

Originally designed to make carpooling easy for 2011's Burning Man Festival, Ridejoy has expanded their…

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Textbooks Don’t Need To Fear IPad .. Yet

Last month, Apple launched iBooks 2 which set out to bring digital interactive textbooks to the…

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Weekend Recap: Stories You May Have Missed

Post Super Bowl PR disasters, dozens of new startups, and the shocking price of higher…

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CEO Sunday: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Freemium

So, you have an amazing product. No one else is doing it. You’re the only…

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CEO Sunday: Running Two Startups Is More Than A Possibility

Running a startup is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I guess I…

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Lilyhammer: Netflix’s New Show Takes On TV

This past week Netflix began hosting a new web series on its instant queue streaming…

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17 Year-Old Entrepreneur Launches Social Good Startup

We all have those gift givers in our life who don't quiet understand our personality…

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How Facebook Benefits From Your Breakup

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, but ironically many couples lose the spark of…

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CEO Mixtape: CEO Reece Pacheco

Running a startup requires late nights, early mornings, & enough elevator pitches to make your head spin.…

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The PlayStation Vita Vs. Smartphone Gaming

Launching in the US this month, Sony's new handheld faces some of the biggest mobile…

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United Preference Aims to Tailor Preventive Healthcare Spending

United Preference strives to promote preventive healthcare and general wellness with pre-paid debit cards patients…

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May it Please the Court, I Represent the New York Times

Nope, that’s not true at all. I don’t. I don’t even live in New York.…

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500px: Image Sharing Done Right

Co-founded by Evgeny Tchebotarev and Oleg Gutsol, 500px feels like the fresh start that photo…

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MoodPanda Helps Keep You Happy

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Sometimes our…