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Chrome Extension Applies NSA-Class Encryption to Facebook

Social networking sites play a growing role in activist and revolutionary organization around the globe,…

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Piqtur Brings Easy Image Effects To A Browser Near You

Think you need Photoshop to add a bit of flare to your images? Guess again.…

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MakerBot Will Lead The Robot Uprising

MakerBot does exactly what the name promises: it's a robot that makes all kinds of…

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Controlling Your Dreams – There’s An App For That

Dreams have always held a romantic fascination over mankind.  As harbingers of some of the…

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Bundlr: Organize Your Web

Bundlr is a curation tool for organizing and communicating information about an idea. Whether you…

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Polarfox Does The Image Sharing For You

THE GIST: Polarfox is a very slick flash application that allows you to edit, caption,…

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Weekend Recap: Stories You May Have Missed

DuckDuckGo hits a big milestone, PlayStation Vita hype is building, and a putty that heals…

The Digital Divide: Who’s Being Left Behind

Living in an unjust world, there have always been the educational 'have' and 'have-nots'. As…

9 Secrets for Entrepreneurs Using Pinterest

Q: How can I best use Pinterest to promote my business and engage new/existing customers?…

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Greplin Searches Services To Beat Info Overload

I deal with a lot of data. Between half a dozen email accounts, three social…

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The Founder Dilemma: Risk, Equity Dilution, And Term Sheets

Startups are glamorized into overnight successes that roll over obstacles like a runaway freight train.…

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Everything New Is Old

Below is a guest post by Patrick Jobin. Patrick is a technical writer for Storagepipe Solution.…

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PrivacyScore: Find Out Who Cares About Your Privacy

A site's 0-100 score on PrivacyScore is based on its data policies, like whether it…

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Mistash Wants You To Show The World Your Stash

Mistash is an image-based service that allows users to show off their personal stash. Every…

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Get Linked To A Dermatologist With DermLink

DermLink gives referring doctors, dermatologists and patients an easy way to reduce time spent waiting…