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Chocolate 3D Printer Can Make Anything Delicious

With all the stories popping up about 3D printers, you’ve likely thought the new technology…

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Google Quietly Gives Up Browser-Only Chrome OS

In a move that could be read as a quiet admission of the merits of…

Restaurants Have Gone High-Tech With Location-Based Marketing

Over the last few years, location-based apps like Foursquare have given users more reasons to…

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Mastering The Twitter Ad Platform For Marketers

Remember when everyone criticized Twitter for not having a revenue model? Twitter thought it would…

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YouTube Co-Founders Launch Mysterious Magazine Platform

YouTube co-founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen have launched a teaser web site for a…

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Update: Netflix Launches FLIXPAC To Fight Piracy

Update: Netflix has confirmed it has no intention to directly support anti-piracy bills like SOPA. Netflix has…

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Instagram’s Future With Facebook

Today on Instagram’s blog, co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom announced that the company has agreed…

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NYC Phone Booth Smart Screens Were Announced Over A Year Ago (Sort Of)

New York City will pilot a network of 32-inch, internet-enabled touch screen computers in old…

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AOL Nets $1 Billion In Patent Deal With Microsoft

AOL will be getting $1.056 billion after selling more than 800 patents to Microsoft this…

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[UPDATE] Facebook Acquires Instagram For $1 Billion

Instagram announced they are being acquired by Facebook today in a blog post signed by CEO  Kevin Systrom. When…

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Stamped: Your Seal Of Approval On The World

Stamped is a new mobile recommendation app that skips the five star ratings and long…

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Have Startups Jumped The Shark?

Movies like The Social Network and the Silicon Valley reality tv show are glamorizing startups.…

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  • St. Louis
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10 Reasons To Launch A Startup in St. Louis

Why should you launch your startup in St. Louis? The St. Louis' startup scene offers…

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Flying Cars Make A Comeback

Two new flying car prototypes have been making news over the past month, both taking…

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6 Must-Have Apps For A Stellar Vacation

Longer days and warmer temperatures means that the summer travel season will soon be upon…