Make Digital Kisses Real (And Creepy) With Lovotics’ Kissenger
A new two-way digital kissing gadget called the Kissenger will allow remote lovers to translate…
A new two-way digital kissing gadget called the Kissenger will allow remote lovers to translate…
Move over SermonAudio: there's a new app in town, Churchmint, and this one promises to…
CincyTech's investment in Capstory is the latest step towards achieving the fund's mission: to support…
The planned smart suit will be made up entirely of soft, flexible materials, aimed to…
If you’re part of the nearly 20 percent of US consumers who already own some…
Browsing the photos of double bacon-cheese burgers, mint-chocolate milkshakes, and other delicious foods on FoodSpotting,…
Furnishly, a Chicago-based online furniture selling marketplace, is looking to replace the abstract user experience…
Are we desperate enough to resort to paying a complete stranger to snuggle with us?…
After smashing Kickstarter records by reaching its nearly $1 million goal in mere hours, the…
A new conference surrounding the growing industry of Big Data in the corporate world will…
Quabel, an experimental web-based word processor hopes to set itself apart, and court serious writers,…
Madison, WI game studio PerBlue has been developing location-based mobile titles since its founders were…
The second-most populated continent is quickly gaining ground as a prominent world player, particularly in…
The verdict is in: Wikipedia is running out of admins and editors. But why it…
A Boston-based startup wants to breathe new life into the shriveled husk of location-based gaming…