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Grubwithus Introduces Meal Topics To Grow User Engagement

The addition of topics will allow Grubwithus users to share an idea, question, or trending…

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CasaHop: A Free AirBnB

CasaHop is a social home exchange all over the world. CasaHop leverages your existing social…

  • St. Louis
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Kypha Raises $1.5M To Bring Compact Health Diagnosis Tech To Market

St. Louis-based medtech company Kypha has raised nearly $2.5 million over the past year to…

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Gamepad Keychain Set To Bring Tactile Controls To Mobile Devices

LA company Black Powder Media has just launched a Kickstarter to solve the pain and…

  • St. Louis
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Evtron: 19 Year Old Wunderkind CEO Lands Slot At DEMO

When most eight year old kids were playing with action figures, Andrew Mayhall started wondering…

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Portland-Based Prestobox Automates Brand Identity For Small Businesses

When it comes to branding, small business owners often have no clue where to start.…

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Chicago Lean Startup Challenge Finalists Battle It Out At 1871 In October

This October 3rd the Chicago Lean Startup Circle will conclude its annual Lean Startup Challenge…

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Cleveland’s Tackk Focuses On Simple Design To Make Sharing Easy

Ohio-based startup Tackk has created a new option for sharing on the web, where any…

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Think Big Partners Announces Inaugural Accelerator Class

Kansas City, Missouri-based Think Big Partners has accepted six startups into its inaugural accelerator class.…

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UNCUBED’s Unconventional Talent Fair Comes To Chicago In October

The upcoming Chicago event will replace the standard formalities of job fairs with music, lots…

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Teensy Techli Tweets: iPhone5

Happy iPhone 5 launch day! To celebrate, check out this iPhone 5 Teensy Tweet by…

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EverPurse Showcases iPhone 5 Compatibility As Kickstarter Surpasses Goal

On the eve of the iPhone 5 launch, EverPurse, the bag with the built in…

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Now You Can Read Every Public Tweet Ever Sent Thanks To Boulder-Based Gnip

If you think this election season is bananas, you should go back in time to…

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Turner’s Startup Accelerator Media Camp Celebrates First Demo Day

Turner Broadcasting's new accelerator program Media Camp celebrated the end if its first twelve week…

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TagMyDoc Integrates Cloud Services, Microsoft Office Into Mobile Doc Sharing Platform

TagMyDoc allows anyone to embed a QR code onto a physical document, enabling anyone who…