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A British Invasion – And A St. Louis Welcome

In the UK, when someone graduates from university, it is common for him or her…

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On A Roll: Key Log Rolling Revolutionizes An Old Sport

As a fan of nearly any and all sports, I couldn’t help but be intrigued…

First Camera That’s Also Smartphone – Nokia Lumia 1020 (Sponsored)

For all of us who use the camera on our smartphone as much as we…

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Treehouse Launches iPad App; Helps Programmers And Designers Be Job Ready

What does real passion sound like? Ryan Carson, CEO of Treehouse, has it.  In his…

Want Better Interns? Sell Your Company Culture

The best interns aren’t always the ones with a mile-long resume. They’re usually those who…

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BoxCast: Big Video-Streaming Innovations Come In Small Packages

Streaming video technology is becoming more and more advanced by the day. Have a camera?…

Take Seat: Relaxation for the Entrepreneur

Just take a seat for a minute.  As entrepreneurs, we hardly get time to sit,…

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Greater Cleveland Startups Improve Ohio With Jobs, Tax Dollars and Impact

For years, the Kauffman Foundation has stressed how important startups and young companies  are to…

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Entrepreneurs: Why You Need UMSL’s Social And Digital Media Marketing Courses

Today’s digital world is quite interesting to navigate as a startup entrepreneur.  On the one…

Idea Trigger – (Un)Happy

Epiphanies strike all the time in the entrepreneurial mind.  I’m sure you’ve felt it.  You…

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13 Best Tech Startup Websites for Optimizing Conversions

What one tech startup website is set up really well to optimize conversions and what…

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Are You A Friend Of Arch Grants?

As a reader of Techli, you’re no stranger to Arch Grants, the global business startup…

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The 9 Most Efficient Project Management Systems on the Web

What is the best project management system available on the web for technology teams? Name…

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Introducing Smart Bedding: The Next Revolution In Sleep?

Too hot? Too Cold?  Sheets tangled at your feet?  These are all things that we…

Bruce Willis and Social Media Giving Day?

Today, July 15, is Social Media Giving Day in various cities and one entire state…