• Des Moines
  • Iowa
  • Tech

Intelligent beer app from Iowa makes craft beer tasting both engaging and informative

How often have you ordered a beer flight at a craft beer restaurant, only to…

  • Minnesota
  • Startups

This Minnesota startup makes protein-packed chips that help the environment

While the global meat and poultry industries continue to pollute lands and waterways with their…

  • Chicago
  • Food
  • Illinois
  • Lifestyle
  • Startups
  • Tech

Tovala oven brings ready-made meals to the 21st century

Chicago-based startup Tovala is starting up the much-disparaged, ready-made meal to gourmet proportions by using…

  • Chicago
  • Illinois

Language learning’s breeze, says Chicago-based startup Fluent Forever

Chicago-based polyglot Gabriel Wyner written a language-learning book and set up a website to allow…

  • Culture
  • Indiana
  • Ohio

Two Midwest startup boosters are partnering up to bring more opportunities to the region

The Cincinnati-based startup booster Cintrifuse announced that it will be partnering with Indianapolis' Powderkeg to…

  • Chicago
  • Illinois
  • Lifestyle
  • People

Chicago-based Triggr app can predict addict relapses with 90% accuracy

Chicago-based Triggr Health is an app that helps people struggling with substance or alcohol abuse…

  • LA

Influencing your government through web platform: Interview with Amit Thakkar

Across the US the debate surrounding gun laws appears to be more prevalent than ever,…

  • Detroit
  • Michigan
  • Tech

Keep your guns, just keep them safe, says Identilock gun safety startup

Shot in the face as a teenager, Omar Kiyani has created a biometric gun lock…

  • B2C
  • Business

Hitting the road to improve customer service by working alongside clients

If you were to drive from Cleveland, OH to Rapid City, SD, you would travel…

  • Lifestyle
  • Missouri
  • St. Louis
  • Startups
  • Technology

Turn your phone into silent bodyguard with SafeTrek app

The world can be a scary place. We’re bombarded with stories of rapes, assaults, and…

  • Missouri
  • Tech
  • Technology

St Louis-based startup is fighting the war against antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is one of the most potentially deadly threats facing our society today. These…

  • B2C
  • Midwest Regions
  • Startups

Loyal Midwest investors take chance on B2C startups

The Midwest is no stranger to B2C startups, and the investment opportunity has clearly already…

  • Featured
  • Startups

Techli interviews Laurie Chen, founder of Seattle-based startup The Global Dog

The Global Dog app, which just launched in the US and Canada in February, is…

  • Politics
  • Technology
  • Wisconsin

Madison startup promotes political engagement without leaving the house

Polco is a Madison-based company who is working to improve citizen engagement with a simple…

  • Technology
  • Wisconsin

Wisconsin startup makes allergen detecting necklace that could save your life

For those with allergies, a meal out in a restaurant becomes an anxiety-inducing experience with…