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9 Web Platforms That Deliver Business Content With Ease

Members of Young Entrepreneur Council answer the question: What's one up-and-coming web platform (desktop or…

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Shelby.tv CEO And Brand Manager Crowned At Webutante Ball

The fourth annual Webutante Ball during Internet Week New York was held at Marquee. The…

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Facebook Closes More Or Less Flat On IPO Day

Shares in Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) closed more or less flat at $38.23 after a tumultuous IPO day…

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Not So BetterWorks: LA Startup Lays Off Marketing And Biz Dev Teams

Worker benefits startup BetterWorks headed up by CEO and angel investor Paige Craig laid off…

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Electric Imp Can Connect Everything In Your Home To The Cloud

Electric Imp has unveiled a new, standardized flash card that has the potential to connect…

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Updated: Trades In Zynga Frozen On Steep Declines After Facebook Opens

Shares in social gaming company Zynga plunge on the Facebook IPO.

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Someone Is Willing To Pay $4000 A Share For Facebook

Someone reportedly is willing to pay as much as $4000 per share.

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University Of Michigan Study Finds Texting To Be More Truthful

A recent study funded by the National Science Foundation revealed that text messages often provide…

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BREAKING: Germans Bidding $74 For Facebook Shares

Facebook now trading at around $70/share in Frankfurt. Up from IPO price of $38.

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Mozilla: Firefox Reset Button “Like Magic”

Mozilla developers are testing a “reset” button for the popular Firefox browser, aimed at users…

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Google To Assert Control Over Android

Google steps in to exert more control over the ecosystem of apps and hardware run…

All Eyes Turn To Wall Street Hours Before Facebook Begins Trading At 11:00 EST

Facebook shares are expected to hit the market at 11:00 EST today.

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Facebook To IPO At $38 A Share Tomorrow, Confirms $100+ Billion Valuation

Facebook will offer 421,233,615 shares of its common stock at a price to the public…

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The Pirate Bay Is Back, And An Anonymous Defector Claims Responsibility For The DDoS Attack

The Pirate Bay, one of the internet's largest torrent sites and one of its most…

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Stalker IPhone App Conceals Picture Taking Activity, Is Seriously Called Stalker

This week London-based company Zeta Agency has unveiled a new, creeptastic app for the iPhone…