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Diaper Vending Machines, Innovative Energy Conductors Emerge From UC Davis Business Plan Competition

This year’s Big Bang! Competition at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management announced its…

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What The Kleiner Perkins Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit Means For Female Entrepreneurs

Ellen Pao, a partner at one of the most successful venture capital firms in the…

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Ouch! Politwoops Records Deleted Tweets By U.S. Politicians

Politwoops records politicians' deleted tweets. It's digging up some weird stuff.

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Doom 3 BFG Edition: Another Nail In The Id Coffin?

Bethesda and Id announced a re-released Doom 3 that will include versions of all three…

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What Startups Can Learn From Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War

What do Zynga, Facebook, 37Signals, Clicky, and Y Combinator all have in common? They exemplify…

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Latest Humble Indie Bundle Is Full Of Amazing Games, Unsurprisingly Selling Like Hotcakes

The latest collection includes five of some of the greatest indie games to come out…

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Google-Backed Incubator To Build First Kenyan Supercomputing Cluster

A Google-backed innovation community in Nairobi, Kenya, plans to build the first African supercomputer outside…

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Learn How To Capitalize On Mobile At GeneXus’ June Event

GeneXus, software development company and Techli sponsor, will be holding their 7th annual GeneXus USA…

Dear Goldman Sachs, Here’s How To Use Twitter

Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs has joined Twitter. Now, the social media team needs to…

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Half Of Pregnancies Are Unplanned. Fortunately, MyPill Is The App For That

Some of the most common methods of contraception are also the most likely to fail,…

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Internet Traffic To Quadruple In Four Years. And What The Hell Is A Phablet?

Internet connectivity is nowhere near leveling off, according to an annual Cisco forecast, though future…

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Microsoft Says Xbox Sales Are “Gravity Defying”

In a blog post this week, Yusuf Mehdi of the Xbox team, detailed how the…

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You Don’t Know Jack Debuts On Facebook

The popular 90s trivia game has resurfaced as a free-to-play app, containing all the quirky…

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Android Malware Genome Project: Norton Detects Just 20 Percent Of Malware

Researchers tested four leading mobile anti-virus brands, and found that some were starkly more effective…

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S Voice Released, Promptly Hacked To Run On Other Android Devices

Hackers wasted no time in releasing S Voice for other current-generation Android phones, casting a…