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Is Google A ‘Brand Killer’?

Google fired back today against charges that its search policies and market dominance make the…

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The Voice Of The Network: Douglas Coupland’s Audio-Visual Representation Of Online Data

In a pairing with telecommunications company Alcatel Lucent and musician Paul Humphreys, tech conscious author…

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Absinthe, Ovaltine, And Google Product Search. Soon To Be Renamed Again.

Product Search is one of the odd Google services that's always been kind of crummy,…

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SlideDeck 2 Makes Visual Storytelling Just A Plugin Away

Visual storytelling is moving the aesthetic of the web forward. A new product from user…

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RAWR! Interactive Developer Talks About Finding Creativity In The Absurd

Pedro Underlich started the mobile studio RAWR! Interactive to combat complacent mobile users. Its latest…

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Lookin’ At My Lumps? Tech Makes “Keys,” Other Shapes Rise Up From A Touchscreen

Tactus Technology says it has developed a system that can actually raise portions of a…

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Cell-Like Structures To Help Collect Solar Power In Space

Scottish researchers at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow are developing cell-like structures that will help…

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Dell To Launch $100 Million Startup Fund

Dell announced a $100 million financing initiative Thursday, aimed at startups and incorporating sales and…

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Is That Google Earth, Or The New Sim City?

Google unveiled a graphically intense vision for Google Earth, including footage that shows comprehensively-rendered city…

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5 Reasons Why Cincinnati is THE Place for Startup Ventures

As an ambitious entrepreneur interested in heading a startup venture, it is important to select…

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Twitter’s First Bird Logo Cost $15. For the Latest, It Poached Designer From Google

Twitter's first iconic bird logo came cheap. For the latest, the company spared no monetary…

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Editorial: Hey, Paul Graham, It’s Not About Facebook

Y Combinator founder Paul Graham tells portfolio companies to prepare for some lean times. Facebook…

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Gossip Permeates 15 Percent of All Work Emails, Study Finds

A recent study conducted by Georgia Tech has found that nearly 15 percent of the…

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Here’s How To Check Whether Your LinkedIn Password Has Been Released

Developers have thrown up a site that checks whether your password was among those released,…

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Swap-O-Matic: The Bartering Vending Machine

If you see something you want behind the Swap-O-Matic's glass display, cash or cards aren't…